Silica Compliance

High Quality Equipment That Meets Silica Compliance Regulations

In the Australian construction industry, there are certain regulations that have to be met in order to operate in the country. One of these requirements is silica compliance. For your business to be approved, all your processes and machinery must comply with silica regulations. This is also vital for ensuring the health and safety of your workers. Here at Floorex Products, we have a range of large and portable dust extraction systems to help keep your operations fully compliant.

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Protecting from the Dangers of Silica

Many kinds of basic construction materials contain silicon dioxide, commonly known as silica. The list includes concrete, tiles, brick, mortar and many more. Whilst silica is an essential component of these materials, it is harmful when inhaled. When it gets into your lungs, it can cause scarring and inflammation, and can even lead to lung cancer.

This is why it is crucial for every construction site to have an efficient system for silica dust extraction in place. With proper and consistent use, silica dust collectors and air scrubbers can keep the air in the site clean and fit for breathing, thus protecting the health and safety of the workers.

Wide Selection of Superior Quality

Floorex Products takes safety very seriously and as such, we offer a vast range of equipment for silica dust control. If you want to add a silica dust vacuum or a silica dust collector to your waste management system, we have plenty of equipment that you can choose from. Our specialists can help you choose the best silica concrete dust pneumatic vacuum or entire portable silica dust collection systems for your construction projects.

Take No Risks – Trust Only Floorex Products

Lack of compliance with Australian industry regulations on the use of silica not only puts your workers’ health and safety at risk, but also compromises the legality of your business operations. You can easily avoid these problems simply by using compliant equipment!

Why take unnecessary risks when Floorex Products has a whole range of superior quality and fully compliant equipment for you to choose from? If you need assistance regarding compliance requirements, our specialists can help as well! Contact us for any enquiries or to place an order!

Do you need to comply with your local silica legislation? we have a range of Dust Collectors, Vacuums and Air Scrubbers to help make your business and jobsite compliant. Floorex – Your Key To Floor Preparation Success.

Government links

Crystalline silica and silicosis
Working with silica and silica containing products PDF & DOC
National Guidance for doctors assessing workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica dust
Further Advice for each State


see our blog post on The difference between M and H Class vacuums