SuprSheen Grout Solution 20L


SuprSheen Grout Solution Styrene Acrylic 20L

SKU: SUPRCH-GS20 Category:

SuprSheen® Grout Solution is an assistant in the grouting process of Polishing Concrete.

Do not apply in temperatures below 5oC or above 30oC

  1. Perform process after 80 or 150# grinding stage.
  2. Wet the surface with water, the concrete should be damp, with no puddling.
  3. While the surface is still damp, apply SuprSheen grout solution with a semi-stiff broom over manageable area (4-5m²)
  4. Use the broom to scrub the solution into the surface to coat the pores & bug-holes. Use 80/150# metal bond tooling or 100# copper/resin bond pads. then spread and pack the grout into the floor to fill the porosity.
  5. The surface should have a uniform, darker smudged look to it. Do not leave any surplus on the surface, as it can be hard to remove when dried.
  6. Allow to cure for at least 12h, then using the same 150# diamonds, or #100 copper or resin bond pads, grind any excess off the floor.
  7. Inspect surface closely, repeat steps 1 to 5 if needed.

Safety Directions:
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not mix with other chemicals

Spills and leaks:
Absorb with sand/soil and recover into a steel drum. Dispose in compliance with local government bylaws. The affected area should be hosed down with water. Refer to MSDS material safety data sheet for further information.

First Aid:
For advice, contact your local poisons information centre. Phone AU: 13 11 26 NZ:03 474 7000 or seek medical attention or doctor. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin with running water.


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