Package Deals
Find out how to use the package deals below
This package deal is one we put together to help you start out with the best set of equipment if you are typically doing areas up to 5-200 sq. m
The best thing about our package deals is that with our high quality equipment, even when you grow your business they will never become redundant because even the biggest organisations have these in the fleet!
- 1 x Satellite 480 Generation4 – Triple Disc Passive Planetary Diamond Grinder and Polisher
- 1 x DM-2660-M – M Class dust extractor
- 2 x Or more sets of diamonds
- 1 x HD Cable

Do you want to start out in the concrete polishing business? Here is a package that will give you everything you need to do jobs up from5-200 sq. m
With a complete offering of Metal bonds, Copper Bonds, Resin bonds, sealers & grouting compounds, this will cater to anyone wanting to start up polishing concrete.
- 1 x Satellite 480 SP Generation4 – Triple Disc Active Planetary Diamond Grinder and Polisher
- 1 x DM-2660-M – M Class dust extractor
- Metal Bond Diamonds #16 – #80
- Copper Bond Diamonds #100 – #400
- Resin Bond Diamonds #800 – #3000
- SuprSheen Buffing Pads
- SuprSheen Grouting Compound & Solution and SuprSheen Lithium Sealers
- 1 x HD Cable

This package deal is one we put together to help you start out with the best set of equipment if you are typically doing areas up to 2-50 sq. m
The best thing about our package deals is that with our high quality equipment, even when you grow your business they will never become redundant because even the biggest organisations have these in the fleet!
- 1 x Meteor 250 Generation3 – Single Disc Diamond Grinder
- 1 x DM-1360-M – M Class Vacuum
- 2 x Or more diamonds
- 1 x HD Cable